Safety guidelines

Your safety and following the licensing requirements of Washington state are both very important to me!  Please know I am not a licensed medical or mental health care provider, as currently Reiki practitioners are not required to be licensed in order to practice in my state. If you have or suspect a physical illness or mental health concerns, please talk to your physician. I can not give you medical advice, opinions on treatment, or guidance on your prescriptions. I do not offer medical intuition.

I respect the medical profession and the paradigm that informs it. My healing sessions should not be considered medical or psychological treatments, and this website does not constitute medical advice.

My sessions can be complementary to allopathic interventions. I am happy to work with care providers to offer their patients Reiki sessions that compliment traditional medical treatments.  I can also support a medical or mental condition with your doctor or psychologist's permission.  (If you are a Licensed Provider, I can help your referrals with your written permission. If you would like to know how I can support your work with your patient, please let me know.)

​About the Modalities I Use 

I provide Reiki energy sessions. Reiki is a type of spiritual energy that helps clients release blockages in their energy systems which can promote balance and natural healing. In truth, no one really knows how best to define Reiki or the method of action, although it has measurable effects in controlled, scientific studies. Reiki has been shown multiple times in experiments with control groups to improve healing times after surgery, reduce the need for pain medication, and bring a greater sense of well-being to patients. We also know scientifically that it stimulates the relaxation response. Empaths and clairvoyants can see energy moving, and most everyone who receives a Reiki energy session can feel it affect their mind, body, and soul in different ways.

Disclaimer: Statements, products and services mentioned in this website have not been evaluated by the FDA. Please consult with a healthcare provider when it comes to the diagnosis and treatment of mental and physical health conditions.